About RoyalKhaddar.pk
Royal Khaddar House is a symbol of quality and customer oriented khaddar clothing store. The aim to built it was purely based on providing a source of honest, reliable, quality and 100% customer satisfied shopping experience with exclusive deals and promotions. In this era of defective quality material and goods Royal Khaddar House is a sigh of relief for distance shopping that earns the customer praise and confidence as a main source of earning rather focusing on business and money.
Our valued customer knows the service were provided and providing that make us believe in ourselves and give a boost to increase and enhance our services and quality. Royal Khaddar House try hard to meet your expectations at any level of extent.
We have lot of range of Khaddar products and brand that you trust. We believe once you have purchase or get anything from us you will not be disappointed by any means and it will open a way of unshaken confidence regrading our services and products.